Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A bit of relief.

solarpoweredspaz: When two people get together.
solarpoweredspaz: The pubic expects them to hold hands.
solarpoweredspaz: ASHAHHAHA
solarpoweredspaz: Public*
solarpoweredspaz: Wouldn't you consider that a cliche?

Hahah, so i did happen to talk to that one friend.. as you can see. LOL. Yeah, so i do think expectations are a bit cliche, but there isn't anything anything or anyone could do about it. Nothing has been going on since the last time i blogged, just hanging around and not doing much. The pops left to Houston. So its just the moms and the kids with me on July 4th. Sucky much? Eh, kinda. Trying to get out of going to soulcal. I want to stay home this year and enjoy the beach. But idunno if i could even do that. Haha. Wow, gay. Well its official! my house is out of lingling dumplings =( LOL. How sad. And no one is here to buy food. DANG IT. alksdjfa;ls, well i have to do stuff for my tutoring kids now. blog later.

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